Live, Virtual, and Constructive Training

DIGINEXT has developed a “Joint LVC Warfare Centre ” based on its simulation and training products to offer an immersive and highly realistic land; sea and air training environment.
The operational readiness is a key performance element of the armed forces and has to meet new operational requirements:
- Digitalization of the battlefield and the Network-centric approach are essential elements of current and future conflicts that reinforce the need for a joint or collaborative military training.
- Maintaining operational capability is even more crucial as we are in a context of strong of human resources and material reduction.
- The systems are in an increasing trend of their technical
In this context the use of simulation tools has become a necessity for armed forces training. This involves:
- Reduction of operating costs of real systems by optimizing their potential
- To work in different contexts and conditions armed forces commitment
- Limitation of units movement by the implementation interoperable training facilities
- Instructional improvement through a better performance assessment (After Action Review)

In this context, based on its expertise and its background in Tactical Data Link and simulation technologies, DIGINEXT offers efficient and on-the-shelf systems covering large-scale of Military training simulations
LVC training has the added benefit of being able to practice with capabilities that armies cannot do on real platforms for cost and security reasons. This is a perfect solution for Air Forces, with its different assets of Jet Fighters, UAVs, helicopters, cargo planes and tankers.
FC-Trainer (Fighter Controller / GCI education and training)

Education and training solution for Fighter Controllers (FC or GCI), enabling the trainee to achieve all his educational objectives. In addition, a full support is delivered for graduate Fighter Controllers to perfect and improve their own skills.
The FC-Trainer relies on 5 major modules making up the architecture of the training system, according to the session objectives (Level of skill, number of trainees, concurrent active training sessions, …)
- The student working position is a variation of STARLINX operational Command and Control system. It has native ergonomics (graphic representation, measurement tools and tabular displays) facilitating access to the information needed by a fighter controller in the accomplishment of his mission. A Tactical Data Link (TDL) functionality, inherited from the same C² system, provides a full training panel in a matter of mastering the variety of transactional and tactical aspects of network-centric work (National and distant theaters)
- The pseudo-pilot working position (Animation) is based on DirectCGF constructive simulation system (Computer Generated Forces - CGF). Its extensive behavior library and TDL simulation functionalities enable generation, animation and sharing (via SIMPLE, DIS and HLA protocols) of highly realistic environments in which students are immersed.
- The voice module allows radio communication exchanges, interphony as well as telephony. Its user-friendly interface represents the different status of each allocated means.
- The optional “Gateway” module allows real sensed streams to be received by the training system, in order to put trainees in real-life situations, in addition, 2 ways communication channels may opened to exchange simulated data and Tactical Data Links with remote sites (Virtual aircraft simulators, Command and control training cells, SAM training modules,…).
- The debriefing-feedback module records the exchanged dataflow (simulation, TDL and voice), trainee system interaction (processes and GUI) as well as scenario of the session and platform configuration. These data are replayed “hot” or during the full debriefing session, in order to find out the best “Lessons Learned”.
- All levels training solution for Fighter Controllers (Ab-initio, En-route, Interception, Advanced)
- Training tool supporting specific tactical courses (LFE, CSAR, CAS-DaCAS, ASFAO, SCAR-C,…)
- Practical training support for information courses dealing with flight operations (visual illustration via simulation)
- Control service provider within simulation network (network connection with aircraft simulators)
- Control cell (eg: CRC emulation) during a National Command and Control chain simulated exercise
Key advantages
- Man-Machine Interfaces (MMI) of the student position are from an operational Command and Control system
- Powerful simulation, distribution enabled (interaction with remote simulators)
- Management of Mission Planning/Programming ADatP-3 products (ACO, ATO, OPTASK)
- Tactical Data Link Processor (DLP)
- Sensor input interface (real-life environment immersion)
- Compliance with protocols dealing with distributed simulation (DIS, HLA, SIMPLE) and Tactical Data Links (STANAG, Mil-STD)
- Full recording-debriefing module, hot and post-session
AirC2 Trainer

Derived from the Virtual & Constructive world, the AirC2 Trainer brings a highly realistic training to the conduct of operations.
Combining Command & Control (C2) tools and simulators (piloted or not), full stimulation of the trainees will be carried out, through UX Process (HLA / DIS) and Tactical Data Links, such as Link16, JREAP and Link22 (STANAG / Mil-STD).
The automated generation of the tactical situation is based on the standard defined in the ADATP-P3 (ACO, ATO, OPTASK Link ...). This environment may then be enriched and modified in order to achieve the pedagogical objectives of the session.
This open architecture makes it possible to address all types of training, from an elementary cell stimulation (CAP cell, Air Refueling cell ...) up to the complete operations center.
The modular architecture of the AirC2 Trainer ensures its evolutionary capability for pupil and facilitator positions, as well as for connecting the system to other connected simulations (aircraft, helicopters, drones, Sol-Air batteries, Control Centers, FAC-JTAC trainer, CMS of ships, BMS of land forces, ...).
- Air Operations Training System (Operational Workstations, Animation Cells (Phones, Chat and Simulation), Tactical Data Links)
- Provision of the C2 "Air OPS" service to manned simulators at subordinate levels (C2 AWACS, CRC, GBADOC and Non-C2 such as aircrafts, helicopters, drones)
- Air component of a joint global simulation (eg: CAOC, JFACC)
Key advantages
- Student positions derived from an operational C² (GUIs, Tactical Situation, TDL)
- Powerful constructive simulation (behaviors of simulated platforms taking into account ROEs and doctrines in order to reduce the need for animation Human Resources)
- ADATP-3 based automated tactical environment generation (ACO, ATO, OPTASK)
- Tactical Data Links transactions learning supported by the presence of a Data Link Processor (DLP)
- Compliance with simulation distribution protocols (DIS, HLA, SIMPLE) and TDL (STANAG, Mil-STD) for remote interconnection of simulators
- Complete recording and debriefing system, hot and post-session (video capture, voice and TDL messages)
SOLSTICE: TDL and Simulation fitted Combat Training suite for Air, Land and Surface platform crews

SOLSTICE is a combat proven training solution used by French Armed Forces.
Combining both Tactical Data Links, simulation and Command & Control C² capability, SOLSTICE generates and shares all kind of combined tactical environments (IEEE, STANAG & MIL-STD compliant), in accordance with various scenarios, to reach the training objectives (from basics to full combat ready missions).
SOLSTICE is mainly composed of an operational system C² system (STARLINX: GCI, ASOC, RTO roles), a TDL fitted constructive simulator (DirectCGF) generating all kind of entities (with or without TDL, standard or user-defined behaviors), a powerful debriefing device able to record, import and merge a wide variety of data types (TDL, sensor, GPS files, AACMI TSPI), a multi-standard exchange gateway (LAN and WAN connections with Live or Simulated systems) and additional components enabling users to match their own requirements (Multi-MIDS management, Multi-radar entry, ADSB-AIS, Virtual Part Task Trainers).
A wide TDL fitted population range is eligible to be trained, including Fighter Pilots, GBAD operators, JTAC-FAC-AFAC, UAS Pilots, Fighter Controllers & C² chain operators.
SOLSTICE is a ground-based system (may be rugged and transportable), able to provide a high valuable and flexible tactical Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) training service.
SOLSTICE can be delivered either in whole or in part, if being a complement to an Air Defense Ground Environment system (ADGE) and/or an AACMI pod system, is required.

- All-in-one TDL based mission training system, working at affordable cost (Platform built-in components, no additional devices needed)
- Modular sub-systems integration to legacy C2 system, C4ISR infrastructure and AACMI ground stations (Addon to FLAG exercise systems)
- Internal and/or external weapons employment assessment sub-systems connection (real and generic ordnance models)
- Develop and validate Doctrine, CONOPS, TTPs for a large range of mission profiles (COMAO, DCA, OCA, DaCAS, TST, SEAD, ISR, AI/GAAI, SCAR, CSAR...)
- Full support of mission planning, briefing, live tactical operations, virtual & constructive simulation, mission reconstruction & debriefing
- Explore, Experiment, Examine & Exercise Link 16 interoperability across the NATO coalition forces
Key advantages
- Enhance tactical mission training level at affordable cost
- Offers the greatest User Experience (UX) through user-friendly and intuitive Man-Machine Interfaces (GUI)
- Extend “L16 wings” through multi-MIDS management (TDL radiated area enhancement VS LOS issues)
- Enhance live mission training environment through generation of high-fidelity tactical simulation scenarios (Computer Generated Forces)
- Acquire, process and record of multiple data sources for high fidelity mission reconstruction and debriefing
- Provide cost-effective training solution to support crews hands-on on their operational platform
Rainbow EXCON for live training

Resulting from a strong cooperation with the French Army and combat proven at the French urban warfare training centre (CENZUB), the first class EXCON is a computerised central system gathering, processing and controlling the information from on-field instrumentation. DIGINEXT’s SYMULZUB
- to monitor and control exercise through accurate indoor and outdoor geo-localization of soldiers and vehicles at anytime and motorized cameras. This capability can be done at Command Centre level and on the field at instructors level through a tactical tablet.
- to calculate attritions resulting of some digitalized ammunition (such as grenade).
- to factually evaluate the performance of the team and its team leaders by recording all the information ( tactical data coming from information system, sounds, voice communication, participants positioning, videos…) and by providing comprehensive Action After Review (AAR).
- to train instructors through a virtual simulation module including realistic and automatic tactical entities (soldiers, vehicles..) behaviors.

Additional product covering LVC training needs

Constructive part of LVC training system, DIRECTCGF: is a Computer Generated Forces designed for easily creating, configuring and running tactical scenarios involving various kinds of interacting and cooperating platforms. Platforms represent simulated entities and are composed of numerical models that describe their capabilities, equipments and of “attrition”. DirectCGF implements artificial intelligent agents for automatic and advanced behaviors. DirectCGF is shipped with a full range of various platforms including aircrafts, helicopters, ground vehicles, ships, submarines, missiles and civilian vehicles. Application areas include design and evaluation of operational concepts, equipments or systems, or populating trainee tactical environment with semi-automated forces in order to improve realism and efficiency of trainings. DirectCGF supports native interoperability with other simulation or simulators through DIS and HLA standards and communication with live or C2 systems through standards Tactical Data Links protocols (L11, L16, VMF, L22..) , C-BML or other specific interfaces. DirectCGF can also be used for embedded simulation through interface protocol such as DDS.

UAV-X : UAV simulator for training & engineering

Virtual part of LVC training system UAV-X is a flexible and opened-architecture Part Task Training solution dedicated to Tactical operator or pilot training. I Combat proven by French Air Forces, its a powerful simulation framework enables to be platform-agnostic and by the way to simulate any kind of UAV aircraft (MALE or Tactical drone) and sensors payload and to integrate Tactical Data Links capabilities.
UAV-X includes a advanced SDK and by the way an easy to configure mean to design with high fidelity our own UAV system (Ground station HMI/MMI, Fixed or Rotary wings platforms, embedded workload, communication protocol, simulation interoperability through DIS/HLA…).
UAV-X comes with a consistent synthetic environment based on COTS or Opensource software (3D visual, Computer Generated Forces such as DirectCGF) and includes all required capabilities to apply efficient training tasks such as exercise monitoring, recording and debriefing
UAV-X is the parfait cost effective PTT solution to perform education and training of pilot or tactical operators.