SIMX : Agnostic aircraft simulator for training & engineering

Based on a powerful simulation framework and its background in the field of piloted simulation, DIGINEXT proposes SIMX, a authoring software suite, which enables to design any aircraft simulator for training & engineering.
SIMX includes an advanced SDK and by the way an easy to configure mean to design with high fidelity our own fixed or rotary wings platforms (UAV, helicopter, fighter, transportation aircraft, tanker…) (Ground station HMI/MMI, Fixed or Rotary wings platforms, embedded workload, communication protocol, simulation interoperability through DIS/HLA…).
SIMX comes with a consistent synthetic environment based on COTS or Opensource software (3D visual, Computer Generated Forces such as DirectCGF) and includes all required capabilities to apply advanced experimentation or efficient training tasks such as exercise monitoring, recording and After Action Review (AAR).
UAV-X : UAV simulator for training & engineering
Virtual part of LVC training system UAV-X is a flexible and opened-architecture Part Task Training solution dedicated to Tactical operator or pilot training. I Combat proven by French Air Forces, its a powerful simulation framework enables to be platform-agnostic and by the way to simulate any kind of UAV aircraft (MALE or Tactical drone) and sensors payload and to integrate Tactical Data Links capabilities.
UAV-X includes a advanced SDK and by the way an easy to configure mean to design with high fidelity our own UAV system (Ground station HMI/MMI, Fixed or Rotary wings platforms, embedded workload, communication protocol, simulation interoperability through DIS/HLA…).
UAV-X comes with a consistent synthetic environment based on COTS or Opensource software (3D visual, Computer Generated Forces such as DirectCGF) and includes all required capabilities to apply efficient training tasks such as exercise monitoring, recording and debriefing
UAV-X is the parfait cost effective PTT solution to perform education and training of pilot or tactical operators.