Golden reference for Simulation systems for testing

Tactical Data Links (TDL) capability is now compulsory in any modern conflict as force multiplier to act in a joint contexts. The network centric approach enables the platforms already to share tactical data information and tomorrow even to share the features’ platforms.
Since its creation, DIGINEXT has set itself up in the role of an actual center of excellence for NATO Tactical Data Links (L11, L11B, L16, JREAP, L22 and VMF) but also National Tactical Data Links (such as Link H for French Armed Forces). Being the long-term and preferred partner of NCIA, main NATO countries government and the French one, DIGINEXT has also become known throughout the international community as the golden standard for the provision of products to be used for simulation, test and training environments.
Such a success has been reached thanks to both a top of the range expertise that is materialized by a team of acknowledged specialists in the field of combat management systems and Network Centric Warfare (NCW) operations, and an offering founded on off-the-shelves products.
TACTX 2 suite

To support all target architectures & environments : +
- Live / Virtual / Constructive / Distributed / Federated
To support all Interoperability layers +
- RF / Data / Protocol / Information / Knowledge
Expertise and consultancy services +
- Generation & distribution of high-fidelity, complex & dynamic tactical scenarios
- Platform & Interface Unit (IU) models
- Multiple radio-terminal simulation & actual network behaviour emulation (NetX®)
- Multiple TDL, terminal, sensor & simulation data interfaces
- Multiseat Tactical Situation & Cockpit Display
- IDPF – Initialization Data Preparation Facility (TiX®)
- Real-time & post-test data extraction, reduction, troubleshooting & analysis
- Off-line tactical scenario builder & test script development kit
System options +
- Interoperability management & assurance testing toolset
- Link 16 / JREAP & Link 22 network monitoring & management
- MIDS LVT stimulator & test bench
- MIDS LVT1 & MIDS LVT2 housing rack (TTU16® NG)
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Coming soon – TactX3 suite
the new generation of Multi-link simulation and test tool, is already on going. Resulting of the DIGINEXT’s willingness to be customer driven, the major evolution of this golden standard follows currently a User experience (UX) process dedicated to design a very intuitive GUI and adequate features.
A single HW/SW reference system to cover all the requirements for ground-based multi-TDL operations
- Policy, doctrine, CONOPs, IERs definition
- Tactical system specification & prototyping
- Data Link Processor (DLP) development testing
- Platform integration testing & acceptance
- Interoperability test & certification
- Operational test & evaluation
- Academic TDL education
- Tactical training & operations
- Simulation components for Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) combat training
Key advantages
- The ultimate tactical exerciser, multilink network & sensor simulator as well as Interoperability management & test tool ever
- The one-stop-capability for tactical scenario & test script generation, C2 platform modeling & simulation, radio-terminal & network emulation as well as data scripting, troubleshooting & analysis
- The largest military, government & industry user community worldwide
- The golden-standard for platform certified compliance with NATO STANAG / US Mil-Std & Interoperability assurance
- The sole all-links-in-one capable technology on the market (Link 16, JREAP, L22, VMF, L11, L11B)
- The most extensive, up-to-date & flexible implementation for both standard & domestic data links, terminal interfaces, sensors, tactical functions & simulation protocols
- The only engine supporting multi-TDL standard editions, actual platform implementation & national specifics into one mixed scenario
- The first-to-market design that fits with both operational & engineering users’ reality at once
- The greatest user experience through unrivalled intuitive GUI as well as functional configurability & scalability

Designed for all use over the battlefield, the TTU 16 is a robust and fully portable system providing whole of the necessary equipments, functions and interfaces to guarantee an effective, reliable and secure operation of MIDS LVTs..
TTU16 NG is already compliant with MIDS BU2 upgrade.
- Innovative capability for MIDS LVT low-cost and versatile integration
- Combat proven deployable L16 cabinet
Key advantages
- All-in-one solution for MIDS LVT effective control and Host interfacing
- Designed to facilitate transport and installation on various platforms worldwide
- Tailor-made to shield MIDS LVT from restrictive environmental conditions
- Easy to use – Front HMI to control and display MIDS LVT information
- Integrated Cooling System for mechanical integration & safety operation of MIDS LVT and RPS
- Embedded protection of MIDS LVT against excess temperature